Leone Stars directors Allan Tong and Ngardy Conteh with cinematographer Colin Akoon returned to Toronto on Christmas Eve following a two-week shoot in Sierra Leone. Their ever-reliable "fixer" Hash Magona was the fourth member of the crew. The trip to the capital of Freetown plus additional days in the inland city of Bo marks the second voyage by the
Leone Stars crew. Other shoots will follow, but for now here are some images of this exciting trip:
Ngardy, Colin & Hash preparing to film from the back of a moving car
winding through downtown streets in Freetown
Colin capturing kids playing the national pastime on Aberdeen Beach,
Freetown at sundown
Allan with Omaru (left) and his teammates in the eastern city of Bo after practice
Shooting B-roll of a pile of garbage burning off the side of the road in downtown Freetown. Sierra Leoneans don't enjoy garbage pick-up, so they burn it, including a TV set in this blaze.